Technology that changes the face of the city

In the time of fast information, digitization and technologies that progress day by day, Digital Printing Center dictates trends by bringing the first Digital Out Of Home network to the streets of Belgrade.




DPC Networks displays are the result of over 40 years of work, development and improvement. The largest global manufacturer of this type of equipment / Daktronics / has installed over 75,000 displays around the world since 1968.



All display assemblies are carefully, purposefully designed and created in order to satisfy even the most demanding users, as well as for the final product to withstand all the demands placed on it.



All parts and assemblies are subjected to testing for environmental conditions and various physical/technical damages while still in the process of development and production of the prototype, which aims to ensure the uniformity of operation throughout the entire working life of the display.



The displays are composed of custom-made LED panels of the latest SMD technology. Each square meter consists of more than 30,000 LEDs capable of displaying 281 trillion different colors and shades together, emitting an incredible 5000 lumens. The production of the panel itself enables a large viewing angle of 150 degrees on the horizontal axis and 60 degrees on the vertical axis.



Each display is equipped with a number of sensors. These are temperature sensors, ambient light intensity sensor, humidity sensor... The display further uses this data to correct the operating parameters in a timely manner, adapting to the situation whenever it is necessary and necessary.



All displays in the DPC Networks DOOH network are interconnected. All are controlled from a single control center. In addition to playing advertising messages, service information and creating playlists, the control center is equipped with diagnostic tools through which it monitors the correctness and functioning of both the entire network and each display down to the level of each individual LED.



Wireless communication between each DPC Networks display, control center and server in the USA is carried out through a specially written web architecture. The entire network is protected and monitored 24 hours a day by the local Internet provider.



The DPC Networks team is trained to prevent, detect and eliminate any malfunction that may occur in the work. In addition to all the necessary machinery and tools, there are colleagues from the software department of the manufacturer who provide online help 365/7/24.